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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Long Time no post... > <

On request of JAMIE, I shall update!! =)

Very very cold today! Really don't like the wet weather! Hmph!! Anyway... Had a REALLY good lunch today!! Leftover KFC from last night! HAHAHA, been craving for KFC for like THREE WEEKS!! Finally had it last night!! SO HAPPY!!

During study today... nothing to do, so went to photography room.. helped Lisa stick her photos on her first panel! I should actaully start doing more work... Haven't even paid for my 3 panels.... > <"

I found FAKE fruits in photography!!


And banana!! my banana phone...
hello?? Carmen speaking! xD

I went home... and poured water into this glass jug...

Then I closed the lid this THIS

And somehow, the skin on my hand got caught betweent he jug and the lid...
hurt SO MUCH!!

This is the result....
I've got a red bump on my hand now ...

1 people responded to my blog...:

Jamie Wong said...

poor carmen~~
other than grape and banana, any other fake fruit? haha