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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

my portfolios

After many many weeks, days, hours of hard work,
I have finally completed my two art portfolios!

I must admit, it was hard work, but it was all worth it after seeing the completed porfolios, and when it came to the time that I had to wrap it up for it to be sent away the next day, I somehow felt a funny feeling... like, i didn't want it to be sent away.

I can't wait until it gets sent back to me!

What is he doing??
He's looking at my design folio!

Design folio:
Photography folio:

When I look at my two portfolios...
it seems like it isn't a lot of work... right?

But it took a LONG LONG time..
it takes DAYS just to print, cut, put double sided tape on, stick down...
it's a lot more work than it seems...
and i mean a LOT MORE.

the majority of people who don't do art seem to think it's an "easy" subject and WAY better than sitting those 3 hour external exams (i really don't understand where they get that idea from)... but to be honest... it's many times worse... one subject's external exam may take 1-2 weeks of study and then 3 hours sitting the actual exam.. but portfolios take much longer... these portfolios are called externals too... and we can't finish it in 3 hours...

it LOOKS easy, but it's not...
But i really really enjoyed it...!

I sometimes think, maybe I should have done fine arts as my major in uni?
I don't know... i just know that although it was hard work, i enjoyed every moment of it.
that's all that matter...
it's all about enjoying... no point if you don't enjoy!
life's too short to do something you don't want to do, or something you won't enjoy.

here's a photo of me and Gardiner!
you're the BEST gardiner!! <3

1 people responded to my blog...:

Jamie Wong said...

but u definitely will pass your internal if you do it(for arts). For science and maths, they're different things. You could ask those who did the biology internal- woodlice. it took us 2 months or longer to do the experiment, but someone just failed and that's only worth some credit, not as much as arts. No offence, arts are hard too(that's why I go science, I dont have creative thinking..)haha. But we'll actually prefer art if we could, bcoz you'll just get all the credits u need. NCEA marking schedule has changed, lots of ppl get not achieved bcoz of one or two stupid mistake... =(